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Gadgets Hub

" Gadgets Hub, my good friend and brother, Sanchez as he is called by all, is a perfect gentleman you can rely on to sort you out on all types of Gadgets"

Gadgets Hub is an online retail shop that deals on Brand new/UK used phones, laptops, accessories and other kinds of Gadgets Worldwide. Gadgets Hub SELL, BUY & SWAP Phones and Accessories.

Usedphones NG has purchased and also sold items to Gadgets Hub and we can attest that Sanchez is a Phone Seller you can buy peacefully from and you won't regret it.

Our Location

Contact Details

Phone: +234 8124728672 (Hotline)


Address: 6 Ola Ayeni Street, Computer Village, Ikeja, Nigeria.

Click on the WhatsApp icon to Chat us Directly or Check us on Facebook and Instagram